Spirals run throughout the entire show. At the smallest end of the scale, we have spirals represented in the helix of human DNA, which allows humans to tap into Spiral Energy, all the way to the spiral represented in the shapes of galaxies; it was not by coincidence that the show's writers chose to integrate this motif into the plot. Similarly, the mysterious Spiral Energy is accessed in accordance with the adherence to the spiral structure on every level of existence. The spiral is a symbol of progression, of evolution, and of growth. Everything in nature grows in a spiral pattern; early life, like ferns and sea shells, are very easy to see spiral patterns in, and as life becomes more complex, we see these spirals arranged in complex stands of DNA. Mathematically, the spiral represents a certain growth ration which has been seen all throughout the natural world, from ecosystems to planetary orbits and sizes. The spiral is the embodiment, the physical product, of natural law. Therefore it also symbolizes the ability for matter to organize itself and grow, which we call "life", and the potential for that life to evolve and grow more power.
Exoterically, the spiral represents the outward growth of the scale in which the story takes place; first underground, then over the whole planet, then into the space around the planet, and finally to such a scale that it transcends the galaxy. In accordance with this development, it also symbolizes how Simon's own power and understanding of Spiral Energy grows as the series goes on, and ultimately fulfills his destiny as pontifex of the human race.
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The Final Battle |
The answer is simple: spiritual metaphysical energy. In all traditional mythologies and civilizations, the spiritual was said to pervade the physical, to exist on a higher plane on reality than the material world, and that all sources of power came from this higher world. In the same way, Spiritual Energy converts into physical energy, especially when we see it used in Gunmen.
In Gunmen, Spiral Energy determines how well the Gunmen will operate and fight. In numerous times in the series, it's revealed that the pilot's willpower, his hope and his strength (that is to say, his spiritual will) is what increases Spiral Energy within the Gunmen and allows it to operate. When Simon goes Berserk in episode 8, we see his Gunmen reacts in a similar fashion, since his spiritual energy is out of whack. Since his spirit is thrown into chaos, the Spiral Energy therefore makes the Gunmen react chaotically and without control.
By now, we see that the potential for genetic evolution and the willpower/spirit of the individual correlate within Spiral Energy. It is seemingly an infinite source of energy, since the human spirit provides inexhaustible and the spirit as something without physical limitations.
Genetic potential allows humans to tap into Spiral Energy; that is why less evolved life-forms, like the Beastmen, cannot use spiral energy. The potential to tap into Spiral Energy (that is, spiritual energy) can be seen as the real standard for genetic evolution. The higher evolved a species' genes are, the more they can tap into Spiral Energy. Simon is the purest of his species, since he achieves self-realization as the harbinger of Spiral Energy and the realization of his own being as a Spiral Being.
Spiral Energy can also be converted to physical energy. Other than powering the Gunmen, it can also repair and regenerate the Gunmen. We see how the Gunmen can be damaged and destroyed, yet Simon is able to rejuvenate the parts of the Gurren Lagann continually. This is because Spiral Energy can be converted into physical energy, which by extension can be converted into matter; he can transmute elements on a physical scale. Therefore Spiral Energy can also be used to manipulate and create new matter, as well as add to its mass (make it grow) or change its shape; this is what happens when Gunmen combine together to make a larger Gunmen. This bypasses Newton's law by adding physical matter to the universe from a limitless supply of spiritual Spiral energy.
The deep symbolism of the spiral is further proof of its analogy with spiritual energy. Other than its mathematical and natural significance, the spiral is seen as a holy figure in ancient religions. The spiral represented the center of the universe, the center of universal energy, of spiritual and physical energy. It is the central radiating source of all life, and from it all energy issues into the universe. This model closely compares to the Big Bang theory; the universe was radiated from a central singularity. And because the universe moves in such a motion, the entirety of universal matter has developed into smaller spiral patterns; galaxies, star clusters, etc. Everything in the universe thus not only arranges itself in a spiral pattern, but turns and rotates in a spiral as well.
As a radiating source, the spiral also represents the Sun (center of our Solar System), represented by the Swastika. The ancient solar symbol was recognized as a centrality of divine power, the center of heaven and the bringer of all life. As opposed to the endless and dark void of space, the Sun gives light and energy, bleeding out into the void as a source of physical and spiritual energy. The ancient Hindus knew that the Swastika, represented in any form, was a physical manifestation of a natural law which supplied spiritual power, naturally radiating this energy. This "physical symbol" of power was recognized as having magical and spiritual significance. It represents the axis of the earth around which the whole world spins, and by extension the central mass of any universal system around which its components turn in accordance too. This is the basest expression of natural spiritual law.The Swastika was also called the "Hooked Cross" because it also represents a Cross shape with its arms hooked as if they were trailing after the motion of a central rotating mass; this is the basis for a spiral. The shape of the Cross is also very much related to the Spiral shape, with the number 4 being the key number: four arms, four spokes, etc. Spiral symbolism stretches as far back as the beginning of time itself.
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Anti-Spiral v. Spiral Energy |
Gurren Lagann and Alchemy
The theme of progressive evolution in the show is also an expression of an even more ancient archetypal process described in C.G. Jung's book, "Psychology and Alchemy". For those that are unfamiliar with Alchemy, it was a prominent scientific and spiritual philosophy during the Middle Ages that existed as far back as Egyptian times and in Persia. Alchemy was the science of the transformation of physical matter, and one of the key tasks it associated itself with was the transformation of Lead into Gold. However, Alchemy was a dual science: while it often masqueraded as a physical science, much of its writings and figures were actually symbolism for the process of spiritual evolution. Much of Alchemy doesn't make sense unless taken in this context; by extension it is the primal and subconscious expression of the process of spiritual growth. Lead was symbolic for the basest of earth elements; the starting point in the evolutionary chain. We go then up to Tin and Iron, then to Copper, Mercury, Silver and finally Gold, the purest of all elements, which represents total spiritual realization. These all have planetary equivalents too: Lead is started with Saturn, and ends with Gold, symbolic of the Sun. Further Solar symbology points to the sun being the spiritual center of all energy, and by further extension, the center of our galaxy, the Black Sun, is the center of our galaxy's spiritual energy. This progressive centralizing process of purification and transformation into Spiritual "Gold" thus also carries into this show.
The Alchemical process was also associated with "transcending the spheres", which meant to go through the different levels of existence, starting with the physical, to the higher astral plains until one achieved total spiritual realization on the highest and most basest level. That level is the Metaphysical plain, which transcends and surpasses all existence and is the macrocosmic universe from which all other universes and worlds originate. All worlds exist within these worlds, and the closer something is to the Metaphysical, the more of an eternal and immortal, undying nature it has, since the spirit is an eternal and limitless energy.
Simon progressively transcends these spheres or levels of existence until he finally breaches the total Spiritual world. His battle is thus transformed into a showdown between himself, embodied by his Will to Power, against the Will of the opposing force, the Anti-Spirals. This raw battle between the two base energies is what ultimately determines the fate of the entire universe - a battle stripped of all physical limitations existing on a divine level, two raw spiritual forces fighting against each other.
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Simon himself fighting the Anti-Spiral |
Spiral Energy and Physics
The two opposing forces in the show, the Spirals and the Anti-Spirals, also have grander physical implications. Since the spiritual is said to be mirrored in the larger development of the spiritual, we can see as demonstrated before the existence of physical laws that are descended from the basic laws of the spiral pattern, a universal spiritual and physical law of existence.
The nature of Spiral Energy is the channelling of energy into the physical world, thereby bypassing the Law of the Conservation of Energy. In astrophysics, this has but one implication: the addition of matter into the universe. On a universal scale, this means the addition of Gravity. Immediately the polar dichotomy is recognizable; the two forces in the show, the Spirals and Anti-Spirals, represent the two central forces in the universe from which all other forces originate: the contracting and expanding forces.
These are, respectably, Gravity and Dark Energy in astrophysics. These determine the life and death of the universe. When the Big Bang occurs, the universe expands at an exponential rate, making matter spread apart and creating more and more space in the universe. Within the universe exists matter; matter, instead of spreading out completely, retains the energy of the Big Bang in centralized sources held together by Gravity, which are Galactic Clusters. This centralization of universal matter, with the help of the opposing force Gravity which is the opposite of Dark Energy's expansive force, allows life to form. Life, and by extension all forms of energy, cannot exist or develop without such centralization.
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Larger than Worlds |
However, if the expansive energy of Dark Matter wins in the end, and Gravity is not enough to start the reversal of the expansion process, the universe will continue to expand indefinitely and forever, and this is called the Big Rip. This means that the energy radiated by galaxies and stars will continue to be emminated until they run out completely; since this energy will never return to a centralized source, no more stars can be created, and therefore all forms of energy will start to dissipate. With the universe expanding forever, and only a certain amount of physical matter in the universe, the energy will continue to spread throughout the universe until it is completely even. This is called Heat Death, and the process of energy becoming increasingly spread out and unretainable is called Entropy.
Eventually, all the matter and energy of the universe will have been radiated from its central source, and no more life can be supported. Heat energy, without the presence of other heat energy, will died down and the total amount of energy in the universe will quiet down and turn to 0. That is why it's important for Gravity to eventually overcome Dark Matter, so that the universe can come together again so that it can be birthed anew.
Therefore Spiral Energy exists as a method of adding new matter to the universe, and thereby more Gravity to reduce the process of Entropy. This is gone over in the Significance of Gurren Lagann, which I posted about a week ago. I think I explain it better then.
Next time I'll talk about the Beastmen and what they mean. Until then, Spiral On.
Yes! the Esotericism in this show is magnificent and awe inspiring. Let us not forget the origins of even ancient alchemy, which is lies in the Vedic and shramanic roots from the himalayan and indus region. At one point, their culture amassed for 1/3rd of the world's wealth and much of their teachings and symbolism were spread worldwide thousands of years before any other religion came to be.
ReplyDeleteIn the Yogic tradition, the The Shakti ennergy and pranic life force (origins of chi, ki, and other life energy systems), a magnetic-like life field in and around the body whose shape is infinitely spiraling with consciousness, The Shakti life force and pranic energy, are also rooted in the original scientific origins of alchemical and esoteric things like the merkaba (geometrical shapes of the field around the body).
Ultimately to me, the Antispiral theme represents Satan, most obviously. Satan is just a collective symbol for the human mind and it's tendency to revert to animalistic, egoistic tendencies.
Satan is said to rule the earth, and so it is true that the majority of humans are motivated entirely for materialistic, ego pleasing goals. The key thing here is that Satan constantly tries to fight any sort of spiritual progress, and the Antispirals, to me, represent a distopian society which took bad care in executing a worldwide plan upon gaining scientific knowledge of estoteric and metaphysical truths. Their thinking that attaining full spiritual liberation through the spiraling life force would merely result in the destruction of their own universe and material pleasures. And in so protecting their material spoils, they shut down and isolate every human so that they can't even enjoy their spoils, all they do is unconsciously protect it. A possible reality for us given AI take over?!? Doubtful as the masters of yoga have come in our current material age and a new dawn is rising and has already risen for many.
But anyway, our astral and etherial energy are held in a megnetic field shape, and the main part which Yogis of the classical Kriya Yoga tradtion focus on is known as the shushumna, which is like the center hole in which the donut shaped magnetic field spirals around. Through proper training and practice of the body and mind, proper diet, proper action, etc., you can shift the chemistry in your body in such a way that allows for full control and balance in the shushumna, allowing one to place their consciousness in the spine, with a cleansed and uninhibited astral and pranic field. This allows full and proper propagation of shakti energy to and from the body/mind and the rest of the universe. Opening the 3rd Eye chakra will allow understanding and comprehension of these things, but is no easy feat. Alternatively, opening the lower chakras will help further the positive manifestations of such related chakras. And opening the 7th Chakra, the sahsrara chakra, will allow the shushumna to penetrate to the whole universe better. Mastering all 7 chakras results in, complete connection to all things, complete understanding and knowledge of the things, and complete manifested reality into a way which fits both your higher "will" and the cosmic "will".
ReplyDeleteSimon utilized the entirety and extreme possibilities of the spiral shakti/pranic power and it's affect on reality. The ultimate goal in Yoga is as the name implies, full union with all things, in order to do this, one must wipe away all karma and purify all 7 chakras and explore the shushumna and the higher states of meditative consciousness. When one has successfuly gotten into a state of union consciousness, they are in samadhi. the ultimate samadhi nirvikalpa samadhi, i.e. attaining nirvana, moksha, , mahasamadhi, etc., -- there are many names for this).
The key here is that for most people, the first time they attain nirvikalpa samadhi, they leave their body for good by choice and merge back into the entire universe, from where they reach higher and higher planes of existence. Only a select few come back from this samadhi for the sake of helping others to get there too.
The way I see how this connects to the show is that, take the complete usage of the spiral power. The anti-spirals think it will destroy the universe, this is symbollic of nirvikalpa samadhi dissolving ones consciousness into the universe. And the antispiral's aggression towards this is like Satan(the human ego mind) trying to hold on to material attachments and desires and trying to prevent the dissolution and detachment from such material nature.
For more transcendental knowledge, i suggest reading the bagavad gita, especially with Yogananda's explanations to them, Very insightful stuff.
It even says in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali that upon full yogic attainment, the world as we know it right now does not disappear. So those not aligned with the truth at heart, like the anti-spirals, will never be able to see through the veil of maya, disillusioning them and blocking the view that utilizing the spiral power doesn't mean destruction of your material goods, only a complete union with all things, not just your material goods.
ReplyDeleteIt is said that the material man is greedy and wants many things... Well the Yogi, I would say, is even more greedy. He doesn't want just many things, he wants EVERYTHING.
Yoga is EVIL. Do you really think they're putting yogic symbolism in a popular cartoon to inspire you or simply for creative purposes? That's naive. No, It's for deception. All these popular anime's have the message that man is his own God and he can save himself with his own power which is actually just satanic serpent power. DBZ, Saitama, even one piece(devil fruit) all teach this humanistic self-worshiping garbage. The fact that this is on TV, and apparently supporting your whatever system should be enough to make you drop these practices.
ReplyDeleteYes, The body does have an energy system and yes this yogic practices are part of ancient highly advanced science, but that doesn't mean it's good. Satanic energies will hijack your body if you continue this. They want you to become YOGIS and ASCEND. Instead Come to christ and accept the holy spirit like they DON'T want you to do, no matter how fearful, restricting, or "brainwashed" doing so might seem.
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