Sunday, September 11, 2011

Analytical Decryption


As a student of the occult arts and a person who has studied Esoterica for some five years, I've decided to share what I've gleamed from many animation series over the years during my studies. I am not the first to give analysis to these series; but I hope my findings will be useful anyways. I analyze these shows from a mythological and Jungian Point-of-View. If anyone wants to recommend to me a series to analyze, please leave them as a comment beneath the blog entry.

The Point-of-View I will be using is not what one would call a religious one, however I will often draw parallels to different concepts in various religions that coincide with what is being expressed. Because Modernism is the factor which has cause the resurfacing of these Esoteric Meanings in these unique forms (like animation), I will sometimes discuss the relation that Modernism and Post-Modernism has to the expression of human archetypes through Esoteric media.I never mean to moralize, and I do not support any one way of thinking or acting in this blog - this blog is about knowledge.

The Reemergence of Myths (in Post-Modernity)

Across the entire span of modern media, you wouldn't think that anything past a shallow exterior built for showbiz exists, right? Well, that's just where many might be wrong. Often times, art becomes a medium of expression for natural sentiments native to the human psyche that are otherwise hidden by the standards of modernism... the destruction of the imaginative, the dissolution of the meaningful, all of these things work further to suppress any deep symbology expressive of mankind's collectively unconscious knowledge.

In the past, this inner knowledge was expressed naturally through myths and legends that grew with the people over time, with each element of the myth representing a higher truth within the Jungian archetype ever present in the Collective Unconscious. Certain elements of the human psyche, as well as race-memory knowledge concerning the nature of the universe, were all contained and passed down consciously by these myths that arose from expressions of unconscious knowledge, which manifested itself in this way. That is why certain myths resurface across entire continents, without the human populations ever having come into contact with each other; they each share this primordial knowledge locked away in their subconscious and expressed only through what has been able to snowball into the mythologies and legends of the people.

Today, our myths are destroyed, heroes erased, and most of the literature and shows shown these days are built around the purpose of pure entertainment. We see this Modernistic development in the materialistic nature of many cartoons and television content, as well on the focus on sex and violence which will raise interest in the program on a sensual level. The founding myths of our perception of the world, which are passed down through a people's myths, are all but removed from modern life; the subconscious of man yearns for the expression of what he knows inside yet he finds no outlet to express it with. Therefore he confines himself to the modern world, subsisting on the valueless and baseless materialism for which there provides and endless friction and dissatisfaction with the inner soul. This mass discomfort, which inhabits all individuals in the modern world, permeates every being who must live in the urban sprawl of modernity.

Therefore, we see the rare instance in which these re-occuring myths, natural to the human psyche, resurface again into the world, where the timeless legends re-emerge in modern media. This happens when the more sensitive soul, the soul with higher capability to express something confound without ever having realized it, is allowed an operable medium - therefore we see in many of the imaginative branches of art and literature today the expression of previously hidden and suppressed sentiments which are old as mankind itself, yet limited to expression only in subtle ways in our day and age.

That Irresistible Charm

This often happens without intent or realization of this fact. Yet the magic draws thousands of people to a show, with an unknown charm that people cannot put a reason for why. The reason these shows attract so many people is indecipherable because the level on which people take these shows into account is from a Modernistic point-of-view, which is relatively of recent invention and does not have a long running basis in the decryption of mankind's nature. That is because, to understand the irresistible charm of these shows and why one must feel that they hold some kind of universal human significance, one realize that it is esoteric; the true meaning is hidden beneath a material exterior for which thousands of symbols coexist. These symbols compose what are the Modern Myths, the reemergence of myths thought lost to humanity yet subtly expressed in various works of art.

These Esoteric Meanings become wholly obvious when one views these shows through the filter of traditional archetypes. After all, Man doesn't change, and his symbols are his symbols wherever they emerge.

The Analysis

Some shows that I will be going over in this blog are Madoka, Gurren Lagann and MLP:FiM. I will attempt to work on Lain as well. I will not only do posts on Anime series but also movies and Western animation.

One might think that of all anime, Neon Genesis: Evangelion is the most deserving of an analysis: however the symbolism in this show is pretty straightforward, therefore its not very Esoteric.

Remember: The things you see in everyday life have more meaning than you commonly assign to them!

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